Football Bowling Rules
Object of the game is to clear all the pins off the board on the opposite side before the other team/player.
One football per lane/game.
Men throw from back/side of the board and women throw from the front/side of the board
Game regulation length apart is 50 feet from back board to back board.
Team A Player #1 throws first. Then, Team B Player #1 throws. Clearing out the pins as they are knocked down on the lane.
Next, Team A Player #2 throws, Then Team B Player #2 throws and so on. Continue to throw back and forth until one team has knocked down all ten pins.
How you can win the game in one throw:
BONK – If on any players FIRST throw of the game (with all 10 pins still standing) the 5 pin (center pin) is hit completely OFF the board and all the other pins remain standing, the game is WON immediately.
The opposing team has one chance to either knock down all remaining pins to TIE or Get a BONK of their own to TIE. (see Overtime-Sudden Death to determine the winner of a TIE)STRIKE – If on any players throw gets all 10 pins down with one throw, they win the game. This can happen on any throw of the game.
Overtime – Sudden Death
At the beginning of overtime, each team places one pin on any dot they want for their opponents to throw at. A coin flip determines which team throws first. The team who threw last gets to call the toss. First pin down WINS. There is no last throw by the opposing team.